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Interview with alin Mladinoui and Adina Stratescu of infinitrade driatheli group, danube dealer in Romania

Interview with alin Mladinoui and Adina Stratescu of infinitrade driatheli group, danube dealer in Romania

Alin Mladinoiu, manager of Infinitrade and Adina Stratescu, in charge with marketing, share with us their experience in the laundry sector and their collaboration with Danube.


First of all could you talk a little about your company…

Infinitrade Romania first started in 2009 with two main development directions: on the one hand maintenance in the industrial field and service for Horeca clients. From the very beginning, we tried to meet our clients’ needs, no matter how diverse and demanding. Laundry machines were present in both areas of our activity: mostly in pharmaceutical, food, textile industries and also in some areas of the Horeca field. As we already had clients for industrial items it was easy for us to take the step towards laundry machines as a completion of our portfolio. The other way around, once we managed to sell laundry machines to industrial clients, it opened a window of opportunities for the other segment of our business and helped us grow.

Our pioneer years helped us learn and understand the market and the suitable items for the Romanian industry. Starting with 2013-2014 we grew to be able to identify the right types of products and brands for the Romanian customers. Afterwards we managed to diversify our range and also to improve quality – both of products and services for our customers. As a consequence, the number of clients and our business grew.

We are very proud that from the very beginning we’ve been on a growing trend due to our wide range of products and the quality of our people. These are the main reasons why Infinitrade is in perpetual growth no matter what the conditions of the market are.


How many years have you been selling laundry machinery? and how did your collaboration with Danube begin?

We first started selling laundry machines in 2013. In 2016 the company administrators met the Danube representatives at a major laundry machines exhibition and established the details of our collaboration, so we started selling Danube in 2017.

What laundry equipment do you sell the best and in which sector? Is it typical to your market?

Our best-selling laundry equipment is laundry machines that we sell to several fields of industry: food (edible oil production companies, meat and milk processors, bakery, etc), textile, pharmaceutical. We have the great advantage of being created as their agreed suppliers, with pre-established payment terms and long-term partnership on the industrial and maintenance equipment part.

In addition, we also focus on state companies (schools, hospitals, nursing homes, jails) which have become our second major type of customers for the Danube products.

What advantages does Danube equipment or solutions offer that convinced you? Meaning what features or services is helping or suiting the most to the needs of your customers?

There are several advantages of Danube that we hold dear: short delivery term for spare parts, brand history, constantly innovative state of the art technology, an excellent ratio between reliability, performance and price, the possibility of adapting to our specific market needs for example by adding the Romanian language to menus, which makes the equipment user friendly to our customers. We also appreciate a lot the complete documentation that is offered to us, from the point of view of technical data sheets and information and as well as the tips & tricks that help the training and sales process.

Danube has developed many innovative products to optimize the management of laundries. Which ones have caught your interest the most?

One of our favourite products for presentation and sale is the water recovery system Aquabac. Almost all the time our clients’ feedback on these “boxes” is very positive after presenting their features and the clients understand their utility. This happens especially in the parts of the country where cold weather lasts for 4-5 months per year and clients are thus offered the possibility to diminish water consumption in that period of cold time. The leit-motif of their reaction is “very useful to my business!”


About laundry in sanitary environment, has the pandemic increased this market segment? How do you live it?

The pandemic affected our main fields of activity differently: the sanitary environment certainly grew, Horeca almost disappeared, is closed or does not invest, while industry did not register major fluctuations.

In the sanitary environment the number of requests grew, but funding is still expected for projects roll-out as 90% of Romanian sanitary field depends on state funding. The good part of the pandemic, if it were to find one, is that decision makers became aware that laundry equipment is a must in this area for better containment of all infections. The projection is that in the following years there will be a significant boom in this field.

Thank you for this interview.

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