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Why have hotel washing machines become essential?

Why have hotel washing machines become essential?

Why washing machines have become something essential for hotels these last years?


Washing machine for hotels: latest changes in the hotel sector

The hotel sector has suffered a lot of changes these last years which has made everyone in it adapt its equipment and machinery, including their industrial washing machines.

There is nothing better than comfort to please the hotel guests. Because of this, using industrial washing machines in hotels can help hotels offer a much better service by optimizing cleaning times and personnel efforts. Anyone who stays at a hotel, does so thinking that the hygiene and the quality of all the household clothes will be of the best quality. This is where the industrial washing machines can help you make a difference.

The hotel sector is one of the most competitive ones. Keeping clients happy it is not an option, but an obligation for all hotels. To do so, it is strongly recommended to have an efficient, safe and fast laundry service, so all clients are satisfied with the service. Therefore, offering a laundry service is no longer an option but a must for all hotels.

There are plenty of reasons for a hotel to buy industrial washing machines. Some of these reasons will be discussed below.

Reasons to buy an industrial washing machine for your hotel laundry service


Thanks to washing machines for hotels, we can make sure that all bed linens and complements of the room are always clean and tidy, which has a great influence on the satisfaction and well-being of the hosts.

Positives response from the hosts of the hotel


All hosts like that their bed sheets, linen, pillowcases, towels and other textile complements are as clean as a whistle. Having this says a lot about the business, and a good washing machine can be the key element to get it right.

Laundry is one of the most important services of a hotel, but most hotel owners and managers look the other way, which leads to a bad user experience. Nonetheless, when the hotel has an industrial washing machine (or many), customer satisfaction increases, so they might come back.

Once the hotel has installed the industrial washing machine, it has to work easily and efficiently. If not, the purpose of having it might be counterproductive. Here we expose some tips to make it efficient and useful:

  1. Train your laundry personnel so they learn how the washing machine works.
  2. Get in touch with the right distribution partners. Make sure you find the right partner, with experience and with the best equipment in the market, like Danube.
  3. Do the right preventive maintenance of the machines. Even if you buy the best washing machines of the market, you will need to do some maintenance on them to avoid possible setbacks in the future.


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